Welcome to our Addictions Service.
Our mission is to ensure that people with addictions issues have their voice heard and can access support and services.
It’s important for people with drug and alcohol issues to have the support of an independent advocate. I enjoy supporting people to empower themselves and assist them to make vital decisions on their own.
How do we support adults with addictions?
Support at meetings, appointments and groups where you feel your voice is not being heard
Ensure you have the relevant information to make informed choices. eg. care plans, medical treatment etc
Assist with relevant forms and paperwork
Help to present your views to other organisations if you have difficulty doing so
Raise awareness of accessible groups, activities and support to attend when necessary
Respect your confidentiality and provide a safe environment
Act on your behalf to help you find information and to act on it
Support you when you have important choices/decisions affecting your life
Assist you in relapse prevention
Engage with community groups, services and networks