East Ayrshire Advocacy Services

Welcome to our Adult Service.
Our mission is to help those who feel their voices and opinions are not being heard and to empower and promote independence.

For adults with a learning disability, mental health problem or an acquired brain injury.
Meet our Adult Advocacy Team
Emma Blair
Adult Advocacy Worker

Advocacy to me is being a voice for those who need it most. No matter the circumstances you deserve help and to be listened to. That is something I feel very passionate about. Never be afraid to use your voice for honesty, trust and compassion.

Tony Quinn
Parents' Advocacy Worker

The role of an advocacy worker is one of the most important roles within the community. It gives those who feel like they have no voice the power to be heard. I am proud to be a voice for those who need it.

Brian Pack
Adult Advocacy Worker

I’m passionate about contributing to change. Everyone should be involved in the decisions affecting their lives.

How do we support adults?
  • Support at meetings and appointments: Adult support and protection (ASP), Adults With Incapacity (AWI), benefits and financial, complaints, court, CPN appointments, guardianship, health, homeless, hospital reviews, housing, Jobcentre, legal, medical, mental health, police, prenatal, psychiatrist, reviews, social work, treatment plans, universal credit and Women’s Aid
  • Help to understand paperwork, mail, forms and documentation
  • Make sure adults are aware of benefits that they are entitled too
  • Refer and signpost to appropriate agencies and services
  • Establish relationships with services specific to each person’s needs
  • Support with general communication: email, telephone, text, letter, make appointments on client’s behalf
  • Organising and managing on-going issues
  • Organising and managing ongoing issues, such as utilities, hoarding issues and organising deep-cleans 

Adults have the right to:

  • have a say in their lives
  • be safe 
  • be empowered
  • participate to a level they wish 
  • feel valued 
  • be respected 
  • be focused on and included
  • have their voices heard 
  • feel listened to