East Ayrshire Advocacy Services

Advocacy Conference 2023

On 30th June 2023 we held a Conference in The Park Hotel to:

– Champion our great clients

– Celebrate the diversity of our service

– Increase attendees’ knowledge of advocacy

– Gather and share resources

150 people attended, including 25 of our staff and Board members, over 20 of our current and former advocacy clients, and people from our partner organisations and agencies from across East Ayrshire and beyond.

The Conference was opened by Councillor Jim Todd, Provost of East Ayrshire, and the programme included performances from Morven Day Services Singing Group and the Happy Tappers, speakers from the Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance and Mental Welfare Commission Scotland, our staff team taking attendees on an ‘Advocacy Journey’ to demonstrate the different client groups we work with and issues we support people with, a Positive Postcard Project to spread positivity, and a demonstration of our new website referral process.

Feedback from the event was almost entirely positive, and of those who completed a feedback form, 99% found the day enjoyable and 97% found it inspiring.

Attendees also contributed to the consultation for the Advocacy Strategy Refresh after the event as the team from Planning & Performance had a stall during the lunch break.

Thank you to all of the attendees for their participation on the day, and we look forward to welcoming everyone for our 30th Anniversary Celebrations next year!